DigiPHY Research & Innovation
Bando SWIch - Supporto alle attività di ricerca, sviluppo, innovazione e alle fasi di industrializzazione dei relativi risultati funzionali alla accelerazione della messa in produzione e/o commercializzazione. Programma Regionale Piemonte F.E.S.R. 2021/2027. Decisione di Esecuzione della Commissione del 7/10/2022 C(2022) 7270 final.
01/09/24 – 13/09/26.
Digiphy Remote Interaction & Validation Design Platform
Granstudio’s DigiPHY has received funding from the Piemonte Region to further develop remote collaboration in the field of industrial and automotive design. This project focuses on creating two integrated systems for communication, design, and development, leveraging immersive reality—a combination of virtual reality (powered by game engine technology) and physical reality.
DigiPHY is specifically tailored for the automotive sector, optimizing real-time collaboration in vehicle design; however, its framework and capabilities can be extended to industrial design, facilitating seamless interaction between designers, engineers, and stakeholders across different locations. By bridging the gap between digital and physical workspaces, these technologies aim to enhance efficiency, decision-making, and innovation in design processes.
Discover More on DigipHY.
Find More Information on Granstudio’s mixed reality platform DigiPHY here!